High-level Support for Young Persecuted Christians

The Hungarian government has recently launched a scholarship program to support young persecuted Christians in reaching their educational goals in Hungary. The program will begin in the fall and will be open to youth from countries throughout the Middle East and Africa. 

At the recent International Prayer Breakfast Conference in Berlin on June 2, 2017, Hungarian Minister of Human Capacities, Zoltán Balog, announced the launching of a scholarship program to aid young people from persecuted Christian communities in the Middle East. The gathering was attended by many high ranking politicians and religious leaders from over fifty countries.

After the event, Balog told the media that, “The scholarship programme, which includes full board, will enable one hundred young Christians from the Middle Eastern region to begin their studies at Hungarian universities on 1 September. The tenders have already been launched with the involvement of local religious leaders.” He said that the idea was well-received by the political and religious leaders at the breakfast.

Hungary has been well-regarded for many years as a higher-education destination within Europe due to its diversity of programs, high-quality of education, affordable cost of living, safe and vibrant city life, and a central location within Europe. The new scholarship program will be managed by the Deputy State Secretariat for the Aid of Persecuted Christians and organized by the Tempus Public Foundation.

According to the Scholarship Program for Christian Young People, “The Scholarship Programme is based on the cooperation between the Ministry of Human Capacities of Hungary and churches, pursuing humanitarian activities in crisis regions.” For the 2017/18 academic year, scholarships will be open to students from Egypt, Lebanese Republic, Republic of Iraq, State of Israel, Palestine, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Syrian Arab Republic, The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, and Nigeria. The deadline for applications is June 16, 2017.

For more information on the scholarship, you can visit the Scholarship Program for Christian Young People’s website, here.

Article by Kearstin Bailey

Via kormany.hu and tka.hu